Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tricked and Treated

Pure Chocolate Evil

I feel like I should somehow retaliate against Hershey's for originating the very idea of "fun size bars" sold in huge bags for Halloween distribution to Pooh Bears, Zombies, Fairy Princesses, and Spidermen.  They look so innocuous in their wee little wrappers, slyly tempting you to have one because, honestly, how much harm can one tiny treat do to you?

The impossible challenge, my friends,  is maintaining the vow of eating just one.  My willpower of steel can withstand onslaughts by pushy waiters and well-meaning friends who unsuccessfully try to persuade me to try some dessert.  You can hand me a slice of cake at my own birthday party and I will set it down untouched when no one is looking.  I haven't eaten ice cream or cookie dough since I was in my twenties.  It is not that I don't like sweets, but I come from the Midwest where most people end up shaped like potatoes and long ago I swore I'd never be known by the nickname of Spud.

Yesterday, after working with a couple of managers on social media strategies for our restaurant Nicola's, one of them handed me a little bag of fun size treats from Hershey's.  I accepted it graciously, knowing how much my assistant Betty would enjoy it when I got back to my office.  Imagine my astonishment when I exited the freeway and saw six fun size wrappers on the car seat next to me, greedily licked clean.

Ooky and Spooky
I had a vague memory of popping a tiny Heath Bar in my mouth, followed by a somewhat grotesque, Halloween themed, bright orange Kit Kat bar.  I don't know where the rest of the candy went but I am assuming from the evidence that I must have wolfed 'em all down in the amnesiatic state of a sugar-induced coma.  If you follow this blog with any regularity you know I compulsively journal my daily ingested food (targeting 2,000 calories) and regular workouts to keep myself in check.  (Even with all that I'm considerably more Kelsey Grammer than Joe Manganiello.)  I did some research on line and then forced myself to enter the nearly 600 empty and for the most part non-memorable calories into  That's usually dinner and a glass of wine for me. Ugh.

Click the Link for the Recipe If You Dare
So I can't go back, only forward with a renewed sense of purpose and a sacred oath that those little bars of badness shall never pass through these lips again. Cake, pie, doughnuts, candy, and  Hershey's S'Mores Toffee Almond Bars (for real, you'll gain three pounds by just reading the recipe) are all completely verboten for now and forever more.

In the restaurant industry, it is a constant battle to keep the bulge at bay.  But I strive to do so because it is very important to me and my health that I remain "fun-sized" myself.

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